Transferendum has provided industry-leading translation and localisation solutions to a wide range of clients from the public and private sector, institutions, businesses and individuals. We are proud of our accomplishments and the satisfaction of our clients only reinforces our resolve!

As your Translation Department, we can provide the best possible outcome, and we will advise you when there is an opportunity to improve your document handling and translation workflow.
Subcontracting to professionals can save you money and resources in the short term, by handling all your vendor costs and removing your management overheads, in a secure quality managed process. Sending us your work can be as simple as a secure email or a full integration with your secure content management system.
Let us help you manage very large projects cost effectively by providing you with the translation solutions you need.
You can leverage a variety of solutions from a complete EN 17100:2015 translation management system, or simpler cost-effective rapid solutions machine translation, basic translation, human-assisted machine translation, machine translation post-editing, and FIPO as well as you can choose the solution you need to match your budget and your process and turnaround time. And don’t forget, you can always send back parts for further review.
If you have previously translated documents we can use them to reduce time and cost of your translation. For larger projects we can integrate our translation and quality assurance process into your organisation. This can be useful if you have a large body of reusable text. Helping to ensure consistency and accuracy as well as reducing cost and turnaround time.
Contact Us here or go here and upload your document to get an instant quote.