Who are we

We are a dedicated team of professionals and linguists doing what we love: merging talent and technology with great customer and quality services. Our goal is to help our customers to communicate their messages effectively to their different audiences. We are based in Dublin with representatives throughout Europe. 

We pride ourselves on how we have integrated Human quality and Human processes into our digital age expectations and we want to bring that experience and these benefits to you. 

Translation is not  a ‘one size fits all’ industry, that’s why our mission is to tailor bespoke solutions to meet your individual needs and handling all your content types. We work with you through every detail to create the most time and cost efficient outcome for all your language solution needs.

We handle projects of all sizes, from once-off, small jobs to large projects, so no job is too small, and we offer the same professional service for all our clients and jobs. 

Our translators are all native speakers of the language they are translating. They can reflect context and important nuance as well as match the sentence structure and style of the original document. 

If you begin working on our platform the long term value of your translated content is maximised and is fully reusable across all your document types and different methods of publication.

team work


We have clients across a wide range of different industries helping them with their different languages needs. Learn more here.
Can we do for you what we do for them  Contact Us.

Why Us

Learn more about our solutions and how can we became your Language Department here

Get in touch

We provide a custom range of translation services in any language to suit your specific needs.

  • Legal Translations  
  • Certified Translations
  • Standard Translations
  • DTP Translations
  • Engineering Translations
  • Financial Translations
  • Product Manual Translations
  • Medical Translations
  • Multimedia Translations

What we do

With more than 20 years of experience, we are here to help you communicate to the world in any language. Let us be your language department to solve all your overheads and burdens dealing with your multilingual content.  Transferendum is a leader in translation and localisation solutions for businesses and organisations large and small.

We offer localisation solutions into and from all major languages such as French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and Urdu to name but a few.

We provide translation in more than 200 languages, including all the European languages. We also provide contract management translation solutions to a wide variety of clients.

We will provide language solutions and support you on the best methods for handling all types of files and content to help you through the process of translating and localising your content or electronic media. We are dedicated to getting you through every project quickly and efficiently.

We manage bulk workflows for ongoing projects and we can integrate our processes into your content management systems and document workflow when it’s needed. We like to keep things simple so we can deliver your solutions as efficiently as possible.

We can support your entire business process whenever you need it from HR , sales support, sourcing overseas suppliers, manufacturing, publication, marketing, legal department or international finance. 

Learn more about Quality assurance and confidentiality. 

Trasforma i tuoi processi di gestione e traduzione dei documenti con i nostri servizi di traduzione. Offriamo una guida professionale per ottimizzare il tuo flusso di lavoro, garantendo efficienza e qualità in ogni aspetto.

Affida le tue traduzioni al nostro team di professionisti e approfitta dei vantaggi adesso in termini di risparmio sui costi e di gestione delle risorse. Il nostro processo sicuro e gestito con qualità si occupa di tutti i costi dei fornitori ed elimina le spese generali di gestione, offrendoti un’esperienza senza stress.

Inviarci i tuoi documenti per la traduzione sarà una passeggiata. Scegli il nostro metodo sicuro via e-mail o integralo perfettamente con il tuo sistema di gestione dei contenuti esistente per un processo semplificato.

La nostra esperienza nella gestione di progetti su larga scala garantisce una gestione economica con soluzioni di traduzione di alto livello. Qualora tu abbia bisogno del nostro sistema completo di gestione delle traduzioni secondo la normativa EN 17100:2015, di una traduzione automatica rapida, di una traduzione standard, di una traduzione automatica assistita, di una traduzione post-editing o di una traduzione per soli scopi informativi (FIPO), abbiamo la soluzione giusta per soddisfare il tuo budget, il tuo processo e i tuoi tempi di consegna. Inoltre, saremo felici di ricevere il tuo feedback per ulteriori spunti di miglioramento.

Sfrutta i documenti tradotti in precedenza per ridurre tempi e costi. Per i progetti più grandi, possiamo integrare i nostri processi di traduzione e di controllo qualità direttamente nella tua organizzazione, garantendo risultati coerenti e accurati e riducendo ulteriormente i costi e i tempi di consegna.

Pronti per iniziare? Contattaci qui per una chiamata personalizzata, oppure visita il nostro sito web per caricare il tuo documento e ricevere un preventivo immediato.